Great Leadership

“A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader, a great leader inspires people to have

Love this Leadership quote by Eleanor Roosevelt

Embrace the Journey!


We are halfway through the beginning of the first month in the new year.  How do you plan to embrace the journey?  What do you want to accomplish in 2017?  Whatever you decide to pursue or accomplish this year, I encourage everyone to embrace the journey.

Working harder, but not smarter?

Working HardAre you working harder but not smarter?  We have just completed the first month of the new year and now its time to look back on those year end goals that we set for 2015.  How are you doing?  Have you been able to stay focused and be well on your way to completing those goals?  If you are on track then kudos to you.  If not then not to worry you still have 11 months left to make it happen and finish strong.

Remain confident, focused and don’t lose sight.  This is trending to be the best year yet!

Multiple Levels of Leadership


Today I’d like to share a leadership video with you that was created by John Maxwell on the 5 Levels of Leadership.  It has such great information and is one of my favorites.  I hope that you enjoy it and see the leader that you are now, and the one that you aspire to become.

John Maxwell The 5 Levels of Leadership

True Leaders

Blog Leadership Quote

This is a Leadership Quote that I saw and wanted to share with you about the value of creating leaders and not followers.


Welcome to Susan Burroughs’ Leadership and Hospital Administration Site. Thanks for stopping by!

Susan Burroughs The Executive